Розробки уроків

Тема: Улюблені свята


·        ознайомити учнів із Днем подяки, практика  у вживанні лексики з теми «Улюблені свята», навчати працювати в групі, вчити взаємодіяти в заданій ситуації, вчити привітань до свят;

·        розвивати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання, письма, читання, розвивати увагу, логічне мислення учнів за рахунок інформації, одержаної з допомогою англійської мови;

·        виховувати повагу до традицій та культури українського  народу та інших країн.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Обладнання: підручник, дошка, листівки, дидактичний матеріал.


План уроку

І. Організація класу

Good morning, dear children!

I’m glad to see you.


II. Повідомлення теми і задач уроку

The theme of our lesson is “Our favourite holidays”.



 Розминка.(Діти повторюють вірш декілька разів,а потім деякі слова витираються, і учням слід, читаючи вірш доповнити пригадавши слово. )

We wish you Merry Christmas!

We wish you Merry Christmas!

We wish you Merry Christmas!

We wish you Merry Christmas!

And a happy New Year!

Good tidings to you

Whenever you are!

Good tidings for Christmas!

And a happy New Year!


What things do you associate with holidays?(presents, postcards, flowers, etc).

Make up a scheme.


IV. Календар свят

Now we’ll see how well you know holidays.

Match the holidays with their dates.

1. New Year                                                                  a) April

2. Christmas Day                                                           b) January,1

3. St. Valentine’s Day                                                   c) February,14

4. Easter                                                                        d) October,31

5. Victory Day                                                               e) January,7

6. Independence Day                                                     g) August,24

7. Halloween Day                                                          h) December,19

8. St. Nickolas’ Day                                                       i) May,9


V. Розвиток навичок читання

Now you are going to read a letter from a girl. She tells us about Thanksgiving Day.

But first of all look at some new words:

Harvest – урожай

Settler – поселенець

Open your books and read the text. ( ex.1, p.66 Карпюк).

Now close your books and say if the following sentences are true or false.

1. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

2. Pilgrims were the first settlers of Great Britain.

3. The Indians helped the Pilgrims to have a good harvest.

4. The Pilgrims invited their Indian friends to join their festival.

5. Since that time Americans and British people thank God and each other for the good on this day.


VI. Розвиток навичок аудіювання

Now I am going to read you a letter from Tanya. Listen to it and be ready to answer the questions.

1. Where is Tanya from?

2. What does Tanya love?

3. What does she like cooking?

4. What do they make?

Hi, everyone.

My name’s Maria. I live in Ukraine. We celebrate many holidays in our country. I should say I like all of them.

Celebrating is my joy. I and my family love greeting guests at my home. I and my mother like cooking something tasty. Guests come to share the joy of the day.

Sometimes we make presents or surprises for each other. It’s great.

Now tell me what holidays you like to celebrate.


VII. Робота в групах.

Розвиток навичок говоріння

Your task is to make up greetings and join the right group.

We have four greeting cards for the following holidays: New Year, Birthday, St.Valentine’s Day, Easter.

I’ll give you parts of sentences, you must make up greetings correctly.

1) Christmas greetings and/ best wishes/ for the New Year.

2) Many Happy/ returns of the day.

3) Will you be/ my Valentine?/ Happy Valentine Day!

4) Happy Easter!/ Have a jolly Eastertime.

When you form four groups, you are to tell us about these holidays. You may use some helpful phrases.

1) Christmas and New Year: a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, to have a party, to invite guests, to make the New Year’s wishes, to sing songs.

2) Easter: to paint Easter eggs, to go to church, to have family dinner, to bake an Easter cake.

3) Birthday: to invite guests, to get presents, to bake a birthday cake, to have a good time, to sing songs.

4) St.Valentine’s Day: to greet other people, to send greeting cards, to make presents.


VIII. Розвиток навичок письма

Complete the following sentences:

1) At Easter people usually go to… (church)

2) We usually give … to mothers on Mother’s Day. (flowers)

3) On New Year’s Eve people usually … a New Year tree. (decorate)

4) Children like to get … on Christmas Day. (presents)


IX. Гра «Закінчи вірш»

Complete the following rhymes.

1) It is winter, it is cold.

Father Frost is very … (old).

2) Snow on the ground

Snow all … (around).

3) Rain, rain go away

Come to me another … (day).


X. Поетична хвилинка

Do you know any poems about holidays?


1) Easter:

Hop, hop, hop

Hop my bunny, hop,

Hop along my little bunny

You look sweet and very funny

On this Easter day.


2) Birthday:

So many wishes

So many smiles

Too many memories

Too few words

With one big Birthday

Happy Birthday!

Today is your day to celebrate

Your day to be the star

So let the ones you love

All cheer and say how special you are.


3) St.Valentine’s Day:

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Sugar is sweet

And so are you.


4) New Year and Christmas:

The New Year tree so fine and tall

Stands in the centre of the hall.

Its needles are green, its toys are bright.

Our New Year party is tonight.

Around the fir-tree let us play

Because it is a New Year day.


XI. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Виставлення оцінок.

 Домашнє завдання. Намалювти малюнок до одного зі свят і описати свято англійською мовою.


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